Home > News & Events > Tourist excitement in "Migdal"
Tourist excitement in "Migdal"

As we already said tourist season in “Migdal” goes on a high speed. People come from all parts of the world. Guests from America and Israel are common for us but people from France, Holland, Switzerland, Austria and other countries are something new. Not only every day is scheduled for groups but hours as well and not only in “Migdal” but in its branches also. Foreigners with great pleasure visit “Mazl Tov”, “Beitenu”, Museum of History of Odessa Jews and of course “Migdal”. And guests from France previously ordered the concert of professional Jewish musical theatre “Migdal-Or” and were delighted with this performance.
We don't know how the information about “Migdal” spread in the world but this amount of interesting guests really rejoices us.

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