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Home > The Migdal JCC is functioning only thanks to donations
The Migdal JCC is functioning only thanks to donations

Our account details:

Beneficiary: "Migdal" international center of Jewish community programs
Account number: 26009325658
Bank: BANK PIVDENNYI, Odessa, Ukraine, SWIFT code: PIVDUA22
Correspondent: THE BANK OF NEW YORK
Bank: New York, USA, SWIFT code: IRVTUS3N, 8900319313
Details of payment: donations


Beneficiary: "Migdal" international center of Jewish community programs
Account number: 26009325658
Bank: BANK PIVDENNYI, Odessa, Ukraine, SWIFT code: PIVDUA22
Correspondent: American Express Bank
Bank: New York, USA, SWIFT code: AEIBUS33, 000755116
Details of payment: donations

Please notify!
When you send your donations on our foreign currency account please define that your currency is changed into U.S.D.

Thank you for your help.

Home > The Migdal JCC is functioning only thanks to donations
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Programming, design and maintenance by Jewish Student Club of
Migdal International Center of Jewish Community Programs the International Center of Jewish Community Programs «Migdal» , Odessa.

Kira Verkhovskaya , the President of the JCC «Migdal» center.

Еженедельник "Секрет" Всемирный клуб одесситов Jewniverse - Yiddish Shtetl