Complacency, benevolence, bliss…nirvana. Not particularly Migdal JCC style, but somehow precisely such atmosphere settled down in a new for Halom camp-sight. However, the faces were familiar and the atmosphere still wonderfully warm… Halom-13 – annual summer family retreat organized by Migdal JCC took place on August 19-26 and included 135 participants among whom just as every year were both new members of the community and those who had taken part in Migdal camps every year. This year’s camp was made possible thanks to our sponsors: Genesis, CAF, JDC “Joint”, Jonathan and Dina Leader.
One of the main specialties this year, besides tranquility and total peacefulness was a beautiful pond which was right in the center of the camp-site and attracted everyone’s attention immediately, becoming the central location for most of the activities.
Halom’s annual tradition is to give a special name to every camp. This year’s name was “Wandering Stars” and the whole theme and activities of camp interwove with the word “Stars”. Brilliant daily talent shows, amazing sketches, fun intellectual casino, various sports competitions – all this demonstrated how many real stars took part in Halom-13. Very soon it became truly obvious to everyone why this year’s theme was “Stars”. However, the word “stars” did not only apply to great personalities among Halom’s participants, but also to the Star of Sholom Aleihem, whose 150th anniversary everyone celebrated all together in the course of the retreat.
Constellation of Migdal’s Club of Jewish Students this year shined brighter than ever. Young people worked as madrichim, tutors, facilitators, designers and loaders. They were photo reporters as well. One of the chief highlights of this Halom were photo exhibitions that took place every single evening and everyone could see and reflect upon what was going on in the camp during the day. There were also just funny and lyrical pictures, that couldn’t leave anyone indifferent.
Sure enough, the Club of Jewish Students simply stupefied the audience with its final sketch show. The idea was nothing but new – they simply demonstrated some of the aspects of Halom’s everyday life…and it just turned out to have become the funniest performance. Moreover, there was another original exhibition that the students had prepared very thoroughly, putting pictures of various animals in different poses together with Halom’s participants in similar poses. It was absolutely hilarious and the audience exploded with every new pair on the screen.
However, Halom-13, above all, can be called truly spiritual as Torah scroll was on the premises of the camp and anyone eager was able to touch it, to look at it, to read it together with the other participants.
This camp just as always had everything – sports and intellectual games, among which was well-known “Monopoly”, special events celebrating Jewish traditions, various performances prepared for Havdallah and Kabbalat Shabbat. Every group had their own special activities: babies went in for choreography and dancing being coached by a professional dancer, teenagers and parents organized a real theatrical studio and created absolutely fantastic plays. One more “know-how” of Halom-13 was fire-show set by Danya Spector. It added to all bright colors of the retreat.
Programming, design and maintenance by Jewish Student Club of
International Center of Jewish Community Programs
the International Center of Jewish Community Programs
Kira Verkhovskaya
the President of the
JCC «Migdal» center.