Home > News & Events > Migdal is blessed with friends!
Migdal is blessed with friends!

Migdal is thankful to G-d for great friends that we have. Among our very helpful friends should be named Leader’s family from New York, former Odessit Mila Dolgin with family living now also in New York and our friendly organization Migdal International Inc. This new non-profit organization is located in USA and is already very helpful to Migdal activities.

Help of our friends is invaluable. Thanks to their support prior to Rosh ha-Shana in Migdal will appear normal lavarotory rooms. They are very important to our members and Migdal’s publicity. And also repairs in basement and drainage strengthened the whole building. And this was done also due to 100th anniversary of our great building on Malaya Arnautskaya str., which is a former synagogue and is still in very bad conditions.

Also, thanks to support of our foreign and local sponsors members of Migdal last weekend had a chance to go on a trip around Ukraine. It was expedition to Jewish cemeteries (Medzhibozh, Uman, etc.) where wise men and tzadikim are buried. While near these holy graves we asked G-d to grant us and all our friends with great year and healthy life.

Shana Tova u-Metuka!!! Have a great and happy year!!!!

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