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Odessa Jewish Community Theatre «Migdal-or»

The Odessa Jewish Community Theatre «Migdal-or» (which means a light-house or a tower of light) was founded in 1991.


Since its very first days Kira Verkhovskaya has been art director.


The uniqueness of the theater is that it was founded during the period of the collapse of the Soviet Union when there was not a single Jewish community alive on its former territory. Due to the lack of information no material of the thousand-year culture and tradition of the people of the Book could be obtained.


It was «Migdal-or» that was one of the first to begin collecting crumbs of information and passing it to people in a creative way.


Within this period the theatre has given over 600 performances for the audience of hundreds of thousands of people. «Migdal-or» has become a laureate of many Jewish festivals, the theater company has made tours to Israel, USA, Germany, Baltic countries, Russia, Moldova and naturally to a lot of Ukraine cities and towns.


The staff of the theatre includes professional musicians and dancers. The theater's repertoire is wide and diversified, it includes author's programs, songs in Yidish, Hebrew, English, Russian and Ukrainian and modern Israeli stage art.


Colorful settings, exhilarated high-spirited music, choreographic scenes, live performance without phonograms — all of these feature put over any audience in any country.


The American Distribution Committee Joint has been the main sponsor of «Migdal-or» since about the very beginning.

Most of «Migdal-or» actors have a pedagogical education, many of them got through professional seminars in Jewish tradition in England, Israel and USA.


«Migdal-or»s actors conduct special courses in Jewish Community Center «Migdal» and in other Jewish organizations.


During concert tours «Migdal-or»s actors guide study seminars in Jewish tradition, music, dancing and Hebrew sharing their experience with other communities.

Odessa Jewish Community Theatre «Migdal-or» and the Jewish Community Center «Migdal» are a joint structure and represent one of the biggest Community Centers in SNG.

«Migdal-or» programs:

«Bewitch Jew»

«Jewish Soul»



«Old Style Odessa»


«Jewish Hollidays»

«Jewish Wedding»

A sketch of scenery
by Z. Ivnitskaia

Audio (disk and cassette) records, 1995




«Burning Jerusalem»

«A pintele id»


Audio (cassette) records, 2000

Records in MP3 (free download)

«Sunrise» (3668 KB)
Music by Allen Cole.

«Old Nigun» (5580 KB)
This darkly ecstatic song comes to us through a chain of voices: We learned it from «Flying Bulgar Klezmer Band», they learned it from Adrienne Cooper, who learned it from Michael Alpert, who learned it from Sam Offen, who, although he was a yeshiva-bokher from southern Slovakia, heard it at the Yiddish theatre in Vienna between the wars.

«Khevel» (5472 KB)
Old Jewish music, text by Alexander Shaphir.

Hassidic Nigun (4428 KB)

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Programming, design and maintenance by Jewish Student Club of
Migdal International Center of Jewish Community Programs the International Center of Jewish Community Programs «Migdal» , Odessa.

Kira Verkhovskaya , the President of the JCC «Migdal» center.

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