Home > News & Events > Welcome to Odessa tours
Welcome to Odessa tours

If you wish to visit Odessa, and the help or the information is necessary, you may ask us.

We can offer:

- a transfer from the airport or from the station;

- searching and booking apartments according to your preferences and opportunities;

- meal (Kosher meal is available)

The developed program of information round which includes:

" excursion tours around the city : "Odessa - its history and culture" and " The Jewish Odessa"

" visiting of a museum of History of Jews of Odessa;

" the welcome performance in a folklore style followed with a concert of music and dancing ensembles (for groups not less than 10 person)

" a concert of professional Jewish musical theatre " Migdal-Or "

" Klezmorim concert

" shopping of Jewish souvenir production

" visiting of museums and theatres of Odessa

" visiting of Belgorod-Dnestrovsky fortress and the Jewish community of Belgorod-Dnestrovsky

" a trip around Tzadikkim (righteous Jews) memorial places and tombs

The developed program of creative round which includes:

" Visiting of JCC "Migdal"

" acquaintance with its different programs

" visiting of the center of early development for expecting mothers and families with children from a birth till 6 years

" interactive training of a tourist group

" organization the Jewish music and dancing master-classes

" organization of seminars on the various activity of the Jewish community

" development of program under the individual order

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Programming, design and maintenance by Jewish Student Club of
Migdal International Center of Jewish Community Programs the International Center of Jewish Community Programs «Migdal» , Odessa.

Kira Verkhovskaya , the President of the JCC «Migdal» center.

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